I've been very uplifted this semester as I've had the chance to study the life of our Savior, Jesus Christ in the New Testament. I've felt peace as I've learned from his teachings, example and parables. He invites us to follow him. He leads us. He is truly the good shepherd. I was very touched by the scriptures about Jesus as the Good Shepherd in John 10.
Jesus Christ will never force us to follow him. He is a shepherd. He does not simply herd his sheep. He leads us. Like any good shepherd, he knows his sheep by name and they know him. They follow him because they recognize his voice. No one enters his fold but through him and through making covenants with him. He is the door of the sheepfold. Those who wish to have them as their leader promise to live as he did and invite others to enjoy the same kind of life.
He has laid down his life for his sheep and he loves them. He provides protection from the gloom, confusion and evil influences of the world. If being part of his fold offers us so much peace and security, why are there so many who choose not to be part of his fold?
There are many other voices in the world. A great number of them offer happiness, popularity and security. We must ever be mindful of "the evil behind the smiling eyes." There are many who come in sheep's clothing bat inwardly are ravening wolves. It is so easy to become enticed by the voices of the world. We are in modern-day revelation that, "Satan is abroad in the land, and goeth forth deceiving the nations." Satan's lies are so subtle that it is easy to fall into the trap. However, God has promised us that he will not allow us to be tempted "above that we are able."
Some do not enter Christ's fold because it is not the easy way. Our Savior himself told us his way was a difficult one. He called his way a "straight and narrow path" and claimed there would be "few that found it." A living apostle, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, reminds us that Salvation is not a cheap experience. These things being said, Christ is always waiting for us to come unto him and enter his fold. We learn in Isaiah that although his children turn from him, "his hand is stretched out still."
Let us choose to follow our Savior and Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. He has done everything necessary to save us if we will but follow his teachings. The straight and narrow way is not easy, but it is fulfilling and it is the only way that leads to lasting happiness. Along the path we are filled with joy as we overcome challenges with our loving elder brother, Jesus Christ, at our side.
I know he lives and that he loves us as a shepherd. He calms and heals us when we are injured. He is always there if we will just turn to him. It will take faith to follow wherever he leads, but as we follow him we are blessed with reassurances that he is real and that he knows the way. Ponder what you can do to better understand his voice and follow where he leads. He is there. He will lead you.
"And he will lead those who trust him...and guide them with his eye."
Jesus Christ will never force us to follow him. He is a shepherd. He does not simply herd his sheep. He leads us. Like any good shepherd, he knows his sheep by name and they know him. They follow him because they recognize his voice. No one enters his fold but through him and through making covenants with him. He is the door of the sheepfold. Those who wish to have them as their leader promise to live as he did and invite others to enjoy the same kind of life.
He has laid down his life for his sheep and he loves them. He provides protection from the gloom, confusion and evil influences of the world. If being part of his fold offers us so much peace and security, why are there so many who choose not to be part of his fold?
There are many other voices in the world. A great number of them offer happiness, popularity and security. We must ever be mindful of "the evil behind the smiling eyes." There are many who come in sheep's clothing bat inwardly are ravening wolves. It is so easy to become enticed by the voices of the world. We are in modern-day revelation that, "Satan is abroad in the land, and goeth forth deceiving the nations." Satan's lies are so subtle that it is easy to fall into the trap. However, God has promised us that he will not allow us to be tempted "above that we are able."
Some do not enter Christ's fold because it is not the easy way. Our Savior himself told us his way was a difficult one. He called his way a "straight and narrow path" and claimed there would be "few that found it." A living apostle, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, reminds us that Salvation is not a cheap experience. These things being said, Christ is always waiting for us to come unto him and enter his fold. We learn in Isaiah that although his children turn from him, "his hand is stretched out still."
Let us choose to follow our Savior and Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. He has done everything necessary to save us if we will but follow his teachings. The straight and narrow way is not easy, but it is fulfilling and it is the only way that leads to lasting happiness. Along the path we are filled with joy as we overcome challenges with our loving elder brother, Jesus Christ, at our side.
I know he lives and that he loves us as a shepherd. He calms and heals us when we are injured. He is always there if we will just turn to him. It will take faith to follow wherever he leads, but as we follow him we are blessed with reassurances that he is real and that he knows the way. Ponder what you can do to better understand his voice and follow where he leads. He is there. He will lead you.
"And he will lead those who trust him...and guide them with his eye."
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