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"Oh, hasten and take control!"

To open up my New Testament class today, we sang "Master the Tempest is Raging" a Capella. The harmonies were beautiful and the message and spirit of the hymn overtook me. There is something about music that touches the soul. The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is very adamant about the power of music to inspire, protect and convert.

Sometimes the Holy Ghost can just fill us with so much joy and excitement that we can't help but sing and smile. I have felt the Holy Ghost lift me more times than I can count. 

When I contemplate the beauties of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I think of President Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk in October 2007 entitled "Have we Not Reason to Rejoice." Sometimes I am saddened by what I see on campus at BYU. Instead of seeing joy and excitement on the faces of students, I often see worry, pain and discouragement. Brigham Young University certainly provides a rigorous education and inspires and insights students to achieve, but I hope we do not become so focused on achieving that we fail to find joy in the journey.

Our Prophet, President Monson put it best when he said, "Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved." We have so much to give and so many people to lift. We forget that we are preaching the gospel in everything we do including our demeanor and our attitude. Your cheery countenance could make someone happy for the rest of the day or even week. We should always live so that people can see our light and the hope that is in us. (1 Peter 3:15)

For those who are feeling downtrodden at the moment and wondering how they can ever put on a happy face, I invite you to ponder the lyrics and message of this beautiful hymn "Master the Tempest is Raging." Take some time to read the lyrics and reflect on the love your Savior has for you. He will not forsake you. He has never forsaken me. He will let you struggle. He will let you hurt. He will never let you ultimately fail. As it says in Preach My Gospel, "All that is unfair about life can be made right through the atonement of Jesus Christ."

                                                         "And I perish! I perish! dear Master.
                                                                Oh, hasten and take control!" 


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