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Pressed for Time? Put the Lord First

I loved the quote that Brother Griffin shared in class on Thursday (9/11) from President Henry B. Eyring that says, “I cannot promise academic success or perfect families. Nor can I tell you the way in which He will honor His promise of adding blessings upon you. But I can promise you that if you will go to Him in prayer and ask what He would have you do next, promising that you will put His kingdom first, He will answer your prayer and He will keep His promise to add upon your head blessings, enough and to spare. Those apparent prison walls of “not enough time” will begin to recede, even as you are called to do more.(“Education for Real Life”October 2002)

This quote really hit me because I have been struggling to manage my time well. I feel like I don’t have a lot to do but that I still manage to drag my assignments out until the last minute and I end up feeling rushed. After I heard this quote and after the Regional Conference on Sunday with Elder Nelson and Elder Scott, I decided to make a goal to put the Lord first by doing my scripture study in the morning. On Monday the 16th I had my first successful morning study. My mind was so clear and I was able to feel peace and love from my Heavenly Father. This is the kind of peace I hadn’t felt previously because I was just hurriedly reading before bed. As I truly set aside time for my Heavenly Father to speak to me I was able to feel the spirit unrestrained.

I’m still not a perfect student, nor do I always study as profoundly and persistently as I would like, but I’m happy and I complete my assignments. As I continue to put the Lord first I know he will help me in the process of becoming a dedicated and focused student. I am seeing him guide my life as I turn it over to him. It isn’t happening all at once, but I am finding life easier to manage as I have the Holy Ghost more abundantly.

The principle is that if we humbly seek to do the Lord’s will and put him first, he will guide us. As I have experimented with this promise from an Apostle of the Lord, I have been blessed with added spiritual strength, optimism and cheerfulness. The tasks in front of me have not disappeared, but when I think about accomplishing them I feel excitement instead of dread. I’m starting to understand the scripture in Philippians 4:13 that says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”


  1. Beautifully worded, Jake. I look forward to reading your blog!


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