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An Ode to Traveling

Planes are the ultimate meditation space. The best place to escape the earth, quite literally. In the clouds, your thoughts can be free from the bustle of life on the ground.

Here you can ponder. You can pray. You can put your deepest desires out into the universe or up to your God. Here you can open a window to your heart and soul and leave behind the shackles that chain you to your electronics and ofttimes stress-inducing obligations.

Wi-Fi is hard to come by. Inspiration and pondering though are right within your grasp. The veil between heaven and earth within your mind can be thin if you open your being and allow yourself to feel. Reach into your very soul and voice your greatest desires silently in a plea to your maker. He knows you better than you know yourself. But he still wants to hear from you. You will never be too much for God. He will always listen and he has infinite patience. While your fixations and worries may weary others, they will never weary your father in heaven.

In fact, he invites you to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling." And to "learn of him and walk in the meekness of his spirit."

And in the scriptures it talks of Enos, a man who "wrestled" with God to find a remission of his sins.

"Let your heart be full drawn out in prayer. Pray always."

When a spirit of deep gratitude fills your heart, mind, and soul, you feel an intense feeling of peace and love from the heavens, poured into your mind, that penetrates every fiber of your being. Such a blessing. Such a feeling.

May we all take time away. May we all unplug from the worldly influences that numb us and fill us up with that which doesn't satisfy long-term. Keep the right perspective. Think of your purpose, even beyond this life. That's inspiring. That's comforting.

Trust in God. Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Become through your Savior Jesus Christ. Make covenants that bind you to your Savior and your family forever. Feel the peace. Work to improve daily. Stay focused. Bridle your passions. This is how we return to live with God. It's how we live with the ones we love without end. Christ is the only way.

I'm so humbled, grateful, and blessed to feel his presence and power daily. You can feel it, too. Start by praying to your father in heaven in his name. Ask him if he loves you. Ask him to know the path you should take in life. Trust your feelings. Trust that the Holy Ghost can touch your heart and guide you down the right path.

Ask how you can be with your family forever. Ask if there's a living prophet on earth today. He will tell you in your mind and heart. You will feel drawn. But you must open your heart. You must pray with real intent. You must believe you'll get an answer. And you must wait. You must be patient.

I'm here for you. God is there for you. We are all in this together. We are literally siblings since we all share the same father in heaven. That's powerful. In the words of Coldplay in Coloratura, "Together. That's how we'll make it through."

Travel more. Even if your feet never leave the ground. Let your thoughts wander. Let yourself dream. Don't limit yourself. Know that you're a spiritual, divine, eternal being having a human experience. Life's hard, but heaven is for real. And it's inside each of us. Let it burst forth. Don't keep it hidden. Connect. Love. Serve. Trust. The future's as bright as your faith.

Mosiah 18:21

"Hearts knit together in unity and love"


We fell in through the clouds

And everyone before us is there welcoming us now

It's the end of death and doubt

And loneliness is out


The place we dreamed about

The melodies inside yourself

And love come pouring out

And everyone's allowed

We're feathered by the crowd

And up there in the heavens

Galileo and those pining for the moon

Know it's a slow burn

Through Pioneer and Helix

Oumamama, Heliopause, and Neptune

We're a slow burning tune

But we'll get there

So for now

In this crazy world, I do

I just want you

In the end, it's all about

The love you're sending out

And up there in the heavens

The explorers who've all gathered by balloon

Saw the world turn

Through Voyager, Callisto, Calliope

Betelgeuse, the neon moons

We're a slow burning tune

But we'll touch down soon

So will you

And in this crazy world, I do

I just want you

And up there in the heavens

Galileo saw reflections of us too

Pluribus unum, unus mundus

And all the satellites imbue

The purple, yellow, green, red, orange and the blue

Oh, it's a crazy world, it's true

Sing it out

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

And in this crazy world, I do

I just want

In this crazy world, it's true

I just want you

Poets prophesy up in the blue

Together, that's how we'll make it through



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