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Let us all Hold On

 I have heard many say that the church doesn't allow enough diversity and that it doesn't allow people to be themselves. To be honest, I have felt the same way at times. I have wondered why we don't allow more differences in appearance and sexuality. Why is it a problem for a member of a bishopric to have a well-kept beard? Why can those who are gay not feel they have hope of exaltation? Why have church leaders been so adamantly against them? Why has it felt like it's degraded into personal attacks? Are people really born gay? Is being gay just part of someone's mortal experience?

Is it possible that the Lord's ways are "higher" than our ways even when they often seem lower when looked at objectively? Examples: Blacks and the Priesthood, polygamy, gays. Or are mortal beings who are running the Church of Jesus Christ just making mistakes? These are some gut-wrenching and soul-searching questions. And I don't pretend to have the answers.

Are we just to await further light and knowledge? In theory that knowledge is supposed to come from our leaders. Why hasn't it come yet? It's very hard to wait, particularly when we see many of our loved ones struggling.

So what do we do? I guess we just trust Christ and keep moving forward even though it often feels like the leaders of his church aren't providing deep guidance on some of the most glaring issues we face today. It's tough, but I want to keep holding on and keep loving all unconditionally.


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