These are taken from Moroni 10
1. Remember how merciful God has been all the way from Adam to today
2. Ask God if the Book of Mormon is true with a sincere heart, with real intent, and with faith in Christ
3. Deny not the power of God, but have faith
4. Deny not the gifts of God
5. Remember that every good gift comes from Christ
6. Remember that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever and that spiritual gifts will never be done away except by unbelief
7. Remember I can't be saved unless I have faith, hope, and charity
8. Come unto Christ and be perfected in him and lay hold upon every good gift and touch not the evil gift or unclean thing
There are some days when we're just not feeling it. Sometimes we feel that all the cute churchy answers are nice on the outside but that they're really not going to make anything better. Sometimes it feels like wishful thinking. It seems weak. At times I just want to rest in God's love. I just want to feel my Savior next to me. Sometimes I feel him there. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes there's a lot of negativity towards and around the church. And sometimes I can see why. I do see some things that are troubling. What I always hang on to is my personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the gift of the Holy Ghost I've been given. I know that sounds cheesy to some. They don't think it's a real thing. But I have felt peace so many times through the Holy Ghost. I've felt him tell me that Jesus says, "It's all gonna be ok. Just trust. Be patient. Ponder. Let go. Know that I've already paid the price. You don't need to prove anything to me...
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