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Showing posts from December, 2020

As We Think of Jesus Christ

 Today, we reviewed Elder Matthew Holland's talk entitled The Exquisite Gift of the Son.  As we did, here are some thoughts that came to my mind How did we feel when we left the pre-mortal realm to come down here? How did we agree to all this difficult stuff? That took a lot of faith. And kudos to all of us for even choosing to come down here. Christ is here with us. But he does let us feel pain and agony. He doesn’t take it away immediately because we might need it to become perfected, but he does sit there with us and help us. He supports us. He is right there with us. He knows how we feel, perfectly. I encourage all of you to watch the Pixar movie, Soul. It has some incredibly deep stuff about life, living in the moment, and touches on the feeling of uncertainty and fear we had when we came down to earth, away from a place we knew and down to a place where we knew things would be gut-wrenching, soul-stretching, and emotionally difficult. From Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, Missionar

The 8 Exhortations of Moroni

These are taken from Moroni 10 1. Remember how merciful God has been all the way from Adam to today  2. Ask God if the Book of Mormon is true with a sincere heart, with real intent, and with faith in Christ 3. Deny not the power of God, but have faith  4. Deny not the gifts of God 5. Remember that every good gift comes from Christ 6. Remember that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever and that spiritual gifts will never be done away except by unbelief 7. Remember I can't be saved unless I have faith, hope, and charity 8. Come unto Christ and be perfected in him and lay hold upon every good gift and touch not the evil gift or unclean thing