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Showing posts from June, 2020

Which Cross Have I Been Given to Bear?

Maybe the cross I've been given is riches and prosperity. Heavenly Father wants to see what I will do with the time and money I've been given. He wants to see if I will use my resources to help and serve others around me. He has given me a calling to care for the brothers in the ward and ensure everyone is taken care of. He wants me to understand and bear others burdens. He wants me to help those who are struggling. That's what the priesthood or order of the son of God is. It's about turning outward and lifting others. It's about service and selflessness instead of self-serving and selfishness. There are so many distractions and bright shiny objects all around. I can spend my time and money on so many different things. I can continually buy the latest video games or sports cards or other fun things for myself. Or I could use my means and time to help other people. That's what it's all about. It's not just a thing I do. It should be my main focus. It...

What Does it Mean to Bring Fruits Meet For Repentance?

I think the fruits of our repentance are good works. Bringing forth fruit means doing something  to show Heavenly Father your desire to improve. To me, the first two things that came to mind are scripture study and service. When we show him that we are willing to sacrifice even a small portion of our day to seek him and to help someone in need, he immediately blesses us. He opens our minds up to more ways we can lift those around us and in turn draw closer to him. I've thought a little more deeply lately about how doing it unto someone else is doing it unto Christ. Do I ever ignore people or write them off or feel I'm superior? Then in a way I am denying Christ. But the beauty of it is that he knows my fears. He knows my anxieties. He will give me help along the way. He will give me small promptings here and there and I can follow them without fear. He's not looking to condemn. He only wants to lift and help.