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Showing posts from January, 2015

D&C Reading Insights 1/6

Section: D&C 77 Principles and Doctrines: o Doctrine: The spiritual is in the likeness of the temporal. Our spirits look like our bodies. The same holds true for animals (vs. 2). Application of one truth from this section to my life: It is comforting to know that my spirit and body look the same. It encourages me to know that my family will easily recognize me on the other side. It also motivates me to keep my body healthy so me Spirit can look good and stay healthy as well. Section: D&C 79 Principles and Doctrines: o Doctrine: The comforter teaches the truth and the way we should go (vs. 2). Application of one truth from this section to my life: I am so grateful that I have a member of the Godhead as my constant companion to help me out when life gets difficult. I want to live my life in such a way as to always be worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost. I want to radiate the Spirit of Christ to others. Section: D&C 80 Principles and Doct